Strategic Sustainability
Transitioning to a ‘Carbon Neutral’ Company may not be right solution for your Company. The cost to achieve in terms of resource commitment maybe out of reach or simply unknown. A Strategy that unfolds as time, budget and resourced are available might be. A Corporate Image that says ‘We are Vested in ….. That is why the VMGroup began a program to identify and recognize Companies that are committed to positive change in a responsible way. We coined the term: Eco Responsible Organizations (ERO); Organizations that are Committed to a Strategic Direction of Change and who are taking responsible steps to be as Carbon Neutral as Possible.
If you have your eye on becoming a Greener company or if you are interested in Cost Effective Solutions to help shape your Corporate Image then consider our GreenLeedit 5-steps to a Greener View.

Our GreenLeedit Initiatives are a cost effective 5-step process to a Greener View. Becoming a Carbon Neutral or an Eco Responsible Company © has favorable Brand Marketing Potential a may be subsidized by State and Federal Grant Money or Incentives